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bi-directional language

"bi-directional language"的翻译和解释


  • In code , you can use bi - directional languages for the names of variables , classes , object , attributes , metadata , and other elements
  • Other features common to bi - directional language applications are not fully supported in visual studio , or in some cases , not at all
    Visual studio不完全支持(在有些情况下根本不支持)双向语言应用程序的其他常见功能。
  • In order to enter and display bi - directional languages , you must be working with a version of windows that is configured with the appropriate language
  • Web services likewise support and receiving sending utf - 8 and unicode text , making them suitable for applications involving bi - directional languages
    Web服务同样支持发送和收发utf - 8及unicode文本,从而使它们适用于涉及双向语言的应用程序。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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